High quality modular welding tables store UK
Best rated welding tables for cobot & robot welders online shop UK: The cost of a stainless steel welding table can be prohibitive. It’s often 3 times as much as carbon steel due to the higher material cost and more stringent environmental variables required for manufacturing. A slightly lower thermal conductivity compared to carbon steel means stainless tends to hold heat longer than carbon steel, or aluminum surfaces. Surfaces can be marred by welding spatter if not protected, which is also true for other materials – but stainless is normally kept extremely clean to prevent contamination and without oils or anti-spatter coatings it’s more susceptible to certain welding processes like MIG. Aluminum is obviously the most lightweight and portable of the common materials. Find more info on https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/welding-tables.html. What is…