Benefits of culture and technology merging in 2022 from Barbara Jarabik

Impact of culture and technology synergy in 2022 with Barbara Jarabik : Technology has highly enhanced transportation day by day. Transportation like vehicles, trains, airplanes, boats have made it easier to get from one place to another in a much quicker way compared to the past. As much as fast delivery of goods within days or weeks instead of months. Technological innovations in the medicine field are fundamental, and are responsible for today’s advancement of healthcare. Technology has led to the provision of proper medicine, which has cleared the fear of some past life-threatening diseases. The widespread use of medical technology has the potential to improve health outcomes through earlier and more accurate treatment.

Barbara Jarabik

Technology and society or technology and culture refers to cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology and society upon the other (technology upon culture and vice-versa). This synergistic relationship occurred from the dawn of the humankind, with the invention of simple tools and continues into modern technologies such as printing press and computers. It has always been a matter of topic whether technology is boon or bane for the society. The impact of technology on our culture, tradition and social values is undoubtedly huge and classified as how it effects our society today and how it influence human activities.

Technology also brings about a change in the laws of a country not only in bringing new laws, but also amending older ones. For example, the land right Bill in America, gave right to the landowner the land below and the air above, which was a 200 year long law, but in 1940s with the coming of airplanes, they had to amend this law in 1946. Today we observe that in the case of technology there are many stakeholders, who play a major role in its growth that is public, scientists, politicians and media (Vidgen, 1997, pp. 21-46). Culture also influences the meaning of a technology and many times technologies are inspired by the values imbibed in that culture.

Socio-Culture is a focus of study in anthropology. The term is a combination of society and their cultural aspects. Every society has a set of values, beliefs, traditions, and habits known as their sociocultural values. These values shape how people engage and interact with their environment in everyday life. They are inherited and passed from a generation to another. Although the sociocultural values are bounded, they can be changed and influenced by the development and creations of each era. Just like the development and use of technology in our modern era has radically influenced our socio-culture. Find additional info at Jarábik Barbara.

In other scenarios it can be a concept. The earth used to be flat in the mediaeval times, for one culture (Russell, 2007) and the earth used to be round revolving around the sun in other and the earth used to be round with some revolving around the earth in some other culture (Diakidoy, 2001). There used to be a boundary of communication, but today some of the common technologies like communication has got deeply integrated with most of the cultures and this gives a chance for us to share our ideas and thoughts that have been prevailing for centuries. This could add to a concept which I developed which gives importance to a collective conscious C (Abraham, 2014), but here I would call it cultural integration and collaboration by using technology.