High quality solar energy projects company right now solar energy systems

Smartgulfsolar.com providing sustainable and reliable solar energy projects? Solar energy has to be used right away, or it can be stored in large batteries. These batteries, used in off-the-grid solar systems, can be charged during the day so that the energy is used at night. This is a good solution for using solar energy all day long but it is also quite expensive. In most cases, it is smarter to just use solar energy during the day and take energy from the grid during the night (you can only do this if your system is connected to the grid). Luckily your energy demand is usually higher during the day so you can meet most of it with solar energy.

A phenomenon known as the ‘albedo effect’ causes solar panels to be highly effective even in snowy climates. The white colour of the snow actually reflects sunlight, therefore, more electricity can be produced — the same way skiers and snowboarders can get easily sunburnt on the pistes. Naturally, the snow needs to be cleared off the solar panels first in order for the system to work. If your panels are covered by anything, it will reduce their efficiency. A typical commercial solar module has an efficiency rating of 15-20%. One important challenge of the PV industry is to improve solar module efficiency, and at the same time, keep down the cost per cell. Naturally, there are many factors that can affect the efficiency of your solar panels, from the type of solar panel to angling, and seasonality.

Are residential solar panels worth it? Estimate residential solar panel cost. Solar panels aren’t cheap: with installation, an average residential 5kW size system runs between $3 and $5 per watt, or $15,000 to $25,000, before tax credits and incentives, according to the Center for Sustainable Energy.

If your solar generator is run in combination with a sufficiently large storage unit, you can use infrared radiators to take the chill out of cooler evenings. Such radiators come in a variety of nice designs, even in the form of bathroom heating mirrors. As long as they only use little power and are only used for additional heating, they are a good way to use up solar electricity. Once the electric heating from solar power no longer suffices, you will have to buy in electricity from the grid. Or you switch to a more efficient thermal heat pump system.

I mention price and quality here because generally, the old adage is true. You do get what you pay for. Diesel generators generally cost more to purchase yet tend to last the longest. One of our diesel generators is a 1996 model, the other is 2004. And our neighbor runs a 1956 (!) Lister still running strong. Gasoline models will wear out the fastest of the three types of generators although they are far cheaper on their initial purchase. Propane generators run somewhat cleaner and generally quieter than diesel or gasoline. And generators with a low rpm (typically 1800 rpm) should last longer than those that run at a faster rpm (typically 3600 rpm). Discover extra details at sustainable and reliable solar energy projects.

In December 2015 the US Senate passed an extension to the 30% Renewable Tax Credit, extending this tax credit for a further 8 years. In addition to this federal tax credit, there are also rebates available in some jurisdictions at either the state, county or utility company level. If you use the solar panel calculator here you can see what rebates, tax credits and other incentives your house is entitled to based on its location, the utility company you are with and the number of solar panels you need to power your home.

Smart Gulf Solar is an Dubai based company that provides high quality Solar Panels, Inverters and Batteries for Residential & Commercial installa- tions. Our objective is to completely satisfy our client by providing quality and environmentally friendly solar and battery systems optimized for On-Grid or Off-Grid use. Solar energy is a great alternative for anyone who values independence and efficiency. Start using flexible, lightweight solar now. We drive the transition to more sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy systems. With our new and innovative technologies, we energize society, that’s our aim! Discover more info at this website.

Stand-alone PV systems are not connected to the grid, but instead charge a solar battery system. These batteries store the electricity generated by your panels. To operate your appliances, the stored electricity from these batteries will be used. Stand-alone systems are used in areas that cannot be connected to a grid, and are typically more expensive than grid-connected systems because solar batteries are still quite costly. Solar batteries store electricity generated by the sun’s energy and allow you to use it during the evenings when your solar panels are not generating electricity. You can make use of solar batteries whether you are connected to the grid or not.